Managing Partner

Geo Bobby

Kiteskraft Productions LLP, a dynamic company that has grown from a visionary dream into a thriving reality through years of dedicated effort. At Kiteskraft Productions LLP, we deeply understand that our commitment to delivering exceptional services has been instrumental in delighting our customers over the years. We take immense pride in maintaining a depend- able and reliable workforce because we firmly believe that excellence is irreplaceable. Our organizational culture is characterized by a profound dedication to our work. Our diverse and talented teams are our greatest asset, embodying strong beliefs, values, and a deeply ingrained code of ethics. 

Geo Bobby

Realtime Skills metrics are displayed below. These maetrics are on the basis of the performance showcased by the employee at Kiteskraft  Productions.

  • REsidential Design
  • Commercial Design
  • Construction Management

Let’s Work Together

Cu omnium propriae mel. Eum detracto suscipit ut, et vix splendide scriptorem. His exerci integre moderatius